Sunday, November 18, 2007

Great even Facebook is a hater.

Wow even Facebook is a hater today. Thanks Facebook I really feel like signing up for my account now.


Expert said...

lol that's hilarious, sorta like the swear word capatcha that sometimes comes up on Yahoo.


Carlos said...

here you have a nice collection of crazy captchas

Blake Brannon said...

Hilarious. I wonder what the odds are of that happening.

Richard Cook said...
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Richard Cook said...

It's more of a comment on the fact that you're running Vista than anything personal.

Unknown said...

what does vista have to do with facebook hating this poor man?!

Graham Langdon said...

Haha thats funny. I'd love to leave you my card but you don't have the Entrecard widget

Unknown said...

Haha. The best part is that once you sign up the first thing Facebook will tell you is "You have no friends"

Unknown said...

i know...once when i requested a friend,...facebook asked me to write 'the swastika' it was so crazy i took a picture.. good thing im not jewish

Lou Pickney said...

Hilarious stuff!

chris24 said...

LOL!!! Facebook, and Google, known for the best insulting captchas :P What was the Gmail one? Now Facebook has the funny ones... haha....

Oh, btw, The Digg Effect caused a 502 Error on your blog :P I got a Google Server Error (Try Again in 30 Sec).

Anonymous said...
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Anh Hung Nguyen said...

LOLz, that was such a nice coincidence. As a facebook user myself, I feel really reluctant to refuse all the crappy app invites from my friends. Dont know what you think. Overall, its a cool place to hang around.