Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Screw Phony Human Resources People

People in human resources are the more fake pieces of shit on the planet. Most of them specialize in bullshit. Nothing and I mean nothing pisses me off more then my monthly person from human resources email. "Hi (my name here) how is it going. Just checking in to get an update on how things are going. Did you get into school? If you need anything just let me know" - Bullshitters name here. Well I am unemployed, I didn't get into school because someone else like you screwed me over in that respect and I am living on $800 dollars a month... mmmm how the fuck do you think I am doing? Do I need anything? Well the last time you emailed me to see if I need anything I told you I needed a good job? You didn't email me back and that was the end of it. If I tell you the same thing this time is something suppose to change? These people will smile and tell you to your face, that you have nothing to worry about and 10 months later your ass is sleeping in a cardboard box. What is their job anyway? What do they really do? Since when did sitting on your ass all day bullshitting become a job anyway? Yes thank you I know that there are lots of call centers hiring. Now go stick your head in the toilet and flush 3 times and once extra for me please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you did less wanking for five of your six hours a day and did some job hunting, your situation would get better. I don't know your situation, and I won't pretend to, but I was in a similar situation to yours about five years ago, and now I pull six figures. Get your act together. No one's going to hand you anything.